Spanish spelling error
In the VLC UWP application of the Windows 10 store there is a translation error. It appears written "Progmramas" instead of "Programs" in the interface.
In the VLC UWP application of the Windows 10 store there is a translation error. It appears written "Progmramas" instead of "Programs" in the interface.
Here is the error described above.
Added attachment:
Thanks, translators are on it.
Replying to [ticket:20602 IngrownMink4]:
In the VLC UWP application of the Windows 10 store there is a translation error. It appears written "Progmramas" instead of "Programas" in the interface.
(I put it in English when I reported it, I'm sorry
added Status::fixed label
changed milestone to %3.0.4
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