Possibity to share current song (artist and title)
I like to have a sharing button where I can share the current song I listen. That take the artist + title as text (simplest) and would make it possible to share to social media (e.g WhatsApp Status, Instagram, Facebook, ...)
More sophisticated whould be able constomize the text on a configuration page with wildcards (like %a for artist, %s for song,...) like: "I'm current listening to %a - %s"
Additionally I could think of to search the song at Youtube and if found use that url instead of the text which will be rendered in Whatsapp:
Expected behavior
- Press share button
- (Android) dialog for target will pop up for share selection (clipboard, WhatsApp, Insagram, Facebook, ...)
- User confirmed and Android will send the text (artist + title) to selected service