Qt: warning on `this` during execution
qt.qml.method.behavior: qrc:/player/controlbarcontrols/PlayButton.qml:264: Calling C++ methods with 'this' objects different from the one they were retrieved from is broken, due to historical reasons. The original object is used as 'this' object. You can allow the given 'this' object to be used by setting 'pragma NativeMethodBehavior: AcceptThisObject'
qt.qml.method.behavior: qrc:/player/controlbarcontrols/PlayButton.qml:245: Calling C++ methods with 'this' objects different from the one they were retrieved from is broken, due to historical reasons. The original object is used as 'this' object. You can allow the given 'this' object to be used by setting 'pragma NativeMethodBehavior: AcceptThisObject'