Using SAF and file picker instead of all files access or at least as an option
Android provides a convenient way to pick all types of files using the file picker through SAF. It would be better if VLC can leverage it instead of forcing the user to give access to all his files. I understand demanding all files access is a convenient one step but that screams shady for an end user who just got introduced to VLC.
Both can coexist together, a user who doesn't want to grant access to all his files can still pick the media he wants via another application or file picker instead of being forced.
VLC doesn't also play well with intents unless all files access is granted which shouldn't be the case absolutely. While opening the media file directly from a different app or file browser, VLC just screams to give access to all the files instead of just playing the media file intent selected which is absolutely not a user friendly UX.
Utilizing storage access framework (SAF) -
File picker-
Just player- Another FOSS media player based on Exo
-It doesn't request a single permission and handles everything via intents and file picker.