Playback : Never resume video is not respected in playlist mode
If you set the Resume played videos setting to Never, videos should always start from the beginning, even in playlist mode.
But it's not. If you play a video then exit, progression is saved (orange bar visible under the thumbnail). This is debatable, but the information about this progression could be useful. If you play the previous video in playlist mode then press next, video will continue from the last position.
Second case : launch separately multiple videos to have multiple progression, then play all of them in playlist (with the action mode). Videos will start from the last position, either by next/previous or with the playlist button. Go back, all the progressions have disappeared under the thumbnails... Relaunch the playlist by the Restore Last Playlist action, all the progressions are still there.
App version
Android version
Device model
Moto G5 Plus XT1685
App mode