Overly large binary size
The resulting binary seems much larger than it needs to be, mostly due to variadic templates AFAICS.
-------------- --------------
65.1% 2.37Mi 63.3% 1.99Mi [2029 Others]
4.7% 174Ki 5.4% 173Ki medialibrary::sqlite::errors::mapToException()
3.8% 143Ki 4.4% 143Ki [section .gcc_except_table]
3.3% 121Ki 3.4% 110Ki medialibrary::sqlite::Tools::fetchAll<>()
2.7% 100Ki 3.0% 95.6Ki medialibrary::SqliteQuery<>::all()
2.4% 88.5Ki 2.6% 83.0Ki medialibrary::SqliteQuery<>::items()
1.9% 72.0Ki 2.1% 66.6Ki medialibrary::SqliteQuery<>::count()
1.9% 70.0Ki 2.0% 63.8Ki medialibrary::Log::createMsg<>()
1.5% 56.8Ki 1.5% 48.7Ki std::vector<>::_M_realloc_insert<>()
1.5% 55.4Ki 1.6% 51.8Ki medialibrary::sqlite::Tools::executeInsert<>()
1.4% 54.0Ki 1.3% 43.2Ki medialibrary::make_query<>()
1.4% 51.8Ki 1.1% 36.0Ki medialibrary::SqliteQuery<>::~SqliteQuery()
1.3% 49.3Ki 1.0% 33.6Ki medialibrary::SqliteQuery<>
1.0% 38.0Ki 0.8% 24.6Ki medialibrary::SqliteQueryBase<>
1.0% 36.6Ki 1.0% 33.7Ki medialibrary::SqliteQueryBase<>::executeCount()
1.0% 35.6Ki 1.0% 32.9Ki medialibrary::sqlite::Tools::executeDelete<>()
0.9% 35.2Ki 1.0% 32.5Ki medialibrary::sqlite::Tools::fetchOne<>()
0.9% 34.5Ki 1.1% 34.4Ki _GLOBAL__sub_I_Logger.cpp
0.9% 32.0Ki 1.0% 31.9Ki _ZN12medialibrary10MediaGroup7triggerB5cxx11ENS0_8TriggersEj
0.7% 27.4Ki 0.6% 18.3Ki std::_Sp_counted_ptr_inplace<>
0.6% 22.8Ki 0.7% 22.8Ki [section .plt]
100.0% 3.64Mi 100.0% 3.14Mi TOTAL
One easy lead would be to refactor the logging functions to be used like std::ostream, a quick test disabling logging entirely shows a ≃500KB reduction in the binary size (≃15%)
Removing variadic templates for sqlite interactions would cause a major rewrite of the sqlite wrappers though I'm afraid :/
Edited by Hugo Beauzée-Luyssen